Normal or a Health Emergency?

Signs That Your Pet May Be Experiencing a Health Emergency

For the conditions listed below please call us immediately during our normal business hours. If we are closed please take your pet to the nearest open emergency clinic. VREC Veterinary Referral and Emergency Center in South Abington Township is right across the road from us.   

Emergency Conditions

Bloated, swollen or painful abdomen

Difficulty breathing, extreme coughing or choking

Inflammation or injury to the eye

Obvious pain

Staggering or stumbling

Uncontrolled bleeding

Repeated vomiting


Dilated pupils


Severe injury (car accident, fall)

Unable to deliver puppies or kittens

Lameness or inability to walk

Inability to urinate or defecate

Ingestion of poisonous foods

Broken bones, open wounds

Ingestion of foreign objects

Sudden blindness 

Loss of balance

Blood in diarrhea

We'd Love to Hear From You

We are all about Pet Pawsitivity. Book an appointment, give us a call or just simply stop in...we'd love to start seeing your furry face.

+1 570-319-5043